All posts by 4brain4

The Torah Contains The Best Proof Of The Evilness Of The USA

With the US presidential election drawing ever closer each day, it is time bihseeata dihshihmya to publicize to all that the Torah itself through gematria (numerical values) is one of the biggest proofs of the evilness of the USA.

As is well known, the president in the USA is not elected by the who receives the most actual popular votes overall in total in the USA on election day. Instead, the electoral college system takes the majority of the votes in each of 48 states (except Maine and Nebraska) and assigns that state to have been “won” by whichever candidate got the most votes in that state. Each state has electors to represent its votes in the electoral college, equal to the number of representatives and senators that the state has now in Congress. Thus states with larger populations have more electors.

As there are 538 total (Senators + representatives) in Congress, a simple majority of that is the well-known minimum 270 electoral votes needed to become president.

270 is the gematria (numerical value) of “ra,” “רע,” “bad, evil”, a word that is not rare in the Torah (Bereishis 24:50; 31:24, 29; Vayikra 27:10, 12, 14; Bamidbar 11:1, 10; Devarim 15:21; 23:10). This is the proper name given to the yaytzer hahra, which is also the satan, by H-shem (Succa 52a; thanks to Rav Shlomo Sprung for pointing this out in a Dvar Torah said at the breet meela of his third child, Dovid N”Y).

And please don’t say: ‘wait, the same two letters in the same order with different vowelization forms “raya,” “Friend” (Avos 6:1), and a friend cannot be evil’, because that’s not always true and could be nothing other than the enemy disguised as a friend, for example, the born again new world order zealots (gw bush ys”v, and to a lesser extent many of his predecessors and a slightly lesser extent also his cousin obama) who only help us to serve their own personal and non-Jewish self-interests.

Very relevant also is that 270 is also the gematria (numerical value) of “naychahr,” “נכר,” “alien” (Devarim 32:12; Tehillim/Psalms 81:10), a word which appears in Parshat hashavua Haazeenu. The USA is an alien nation for Jewish people, no matter whatever the US may have done for Jews to help the personal and sometimes also national self-interests of the leaders themselves and sometimes the nation along the way.

Surely the democraps (except LBJohnson, himself the first Jewish president, look it up if you don’t believe it) have hated Jews from time immemorial, FDR ys”v could have saved literally hundreds of thousands, possibly even literally millions of Jews by making different voluntary decisions as part of the military warfare campaign and chose not to do so. The republicants are hardly better.

Our home, our only true “home”, the home of the Jewish people, is Eretz Yisrael, H-shem says so in the Torah. If you are a Jewish person living in the USA at this time you need to face the facts: The Torah proves the evilness of the USA, for Jews it is an alien nation, which for someone to become president of it they must receive at least the minimum number of electoral votes, 270, equal to the numerical value of “bad, evil,” a word which is a very fitting description of the nation itself (with the exception of its Jewish residents and small number of righteous goyim).

So the often-cited truism that America is ‘ahm rake’ ‘empty nation’ (i.e., empty of ethics, values and morality), which many correctly point out easily does derive logically and phonetically from “AMeRICa,” is extremely appropriate.

Thought the 5776 (“Third”) intifada was finished? Remember Elor ben Oshra!

For a brief period following ramadan up until the past few weeks, there was a slight decrease in terrorist attacks in Eretz Yisrael, at least compared to the multiple daily attacks of the first few months of 5776 that as of the start of Elul 5776 had killed at least 34 and wounded hundreds.

The decrease in attacks led some people, all the way through the highest level of our human leaders, to think and even publicly proclaim that the recent terror wave has been “contained.”

That has again been proven false.

It may be worthwhile to remember the context of the beginning of this year’s intifada. Shortly before the end of 5775, (August 2015L), a highly publicized murder-arson in the village of Duma was the latest launching pad for false accusations against supposed “Jewish terrorists,” who the government themselves later admitted were not the perpetrators.

A large number of Jews were arrested without probable cause and at least three were placed under “administrative detention”, a questionable legal status that is a remnant of the legal code from the days when britain ruled this land more than 70 years ago.

Those placed in “administrative detention” are incarcerated without being charged with a crime, and have no basis for appeal. It was designed for use against enemy combatants, not citizens.

Once rogue elements in the government (presumably members of the erev rav) who usually are the loudest screaming about “democracy” decided to use an anti-democratic archaic statute in the most undemocratic manner against their fellow Jews, apparently the decree was issued Above for the beginning of the current intifada.

Even so, from the time of the start of the illegal detentions until the first attacks during Sukkot 5776, was still a “grace period” of at least a month and a half in which had people come to their senses and rectified the injustices against their fellow Jews punished with “administrative detention”, maybe the current intifada could have been avoided.

Fast forward to following Purim, 5776, and only one tzaddik of those administratively detained was still incarcerated. Each Jew is a world, and an injustice against even one Jew cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

So the intifada continued and two terrorist punks decided to stab soldiers in Chevrone. One stabbed a soldier and was then himself shot dead, and the second was “neutralized,” shot but not yet dead. Alert soldier Elor Azariya perceived the terrorist moving around on the ground after being shot, and suspected that he intended to detonate an explosive belt hidden underneath his large coat in 77 degree F weather, and for the sake of public safety, TO PROTECT JEWISH LIVES, did what any caring person would do, which is shooting dead the already wounded terrorist.

That is what conclusively needed to be done and what should have been done. Yet again along came rogue elements in the government, immediately condemning and incarcerating and charging the soldier with criminal behavior, when in fact, he is a Hero.

So Meir Ettinger has Thankfully been released after 10 months of hellish “administrative detention” (during which he was prevented from attending the breet meelah of his own first-born son), but the “Jew against Jew” injustice didn’t end there because a righteous soldier who made the correct decision TO ELIMINATE THE TERRORIST is being persecuted and also incarcerated without any valid basis.

So if anyone mistakenly thought the intifada was finished, remember Elor ben Oshra! Pray for his immediate release (at the morning bracha of “mahteer ahsooreem” and saying Tehillim/Psalms 56; 142:6; and 79:11).

He should be released not only for the holidays of Tishrei 5777, but permanent, true, complete freedom without ever being returned to jail again after this wrongful incarceration.

Pray for his secular legal exoneration in the current sham trial against him in court, if for any reason the persecution (NOT a spelling error!) is not ended before that legal trial in court is concluded, and it needs to be ended right away with the legal proceedings against him in court being terminated and thrown out of court completely right away, never to be restarted or pursued further at all ever whatsoever in any other legal forum either.

Pray that Elor ben Oshra be appointed to lead the army, and once the invalid, improper and psuedo self-righteous “Jew against Jew” detentions, imprisonments, prosecutions, persecutions and discrimination are ended (including completely preventing the forced evacuation of Ofra, Amona, and anywhere else the erev rav threatens to eradicate Jews from our Homeland), then we can expect a subsiding of intifada terrorist attacks as well.

The Folly of “Too much chesed”, and the necessary alternative

Chesed, kindness, is one of the most important qualities for a Jewish person to have. In fact, as far back as Avraham avinu zt”l, the very first Jew, this quality is found and he in fact is called the pillar of chesed.

At the same time, there are actually situations in which a Jewish person, group or nation can behave with “Too much chesed”.

At first it might seem silly to consider such a thing as “Too much Chesed”, but sadly there are many recent examples of that concept in reality, which are mistakes of our human leadership that cannot be allowed to continue.

During the entire time that our enemies ys”v were firing on us from ahza, our human leadership didn’t cut off mahyeem, chashmahl, or food to there, even a bit, until more than a full year later, and even then it amounted to the measly total of 2 hours of chahshmahl interruption for non-payment, not because of rocket-firing aggression and terrorism.

Another top-priority case where “Too much Chesed” must be stopped immediately and forever, is the case of our terrorist enemies ys”v attacking. If terrorists came with weapon(s) and the explicit intent to hurt and/or kill Yehudim, those terrorists must be executed immediately, no questions asked, even if they are already injured on the ground, in accordance with the ruling of many prominent Rabbonim gedolay Yisrael (Including Rav Dov Leor shlita, Rav Shmuel Eliyahu shlita and Rav Mazuz shlita).

The statements of erev rav members of the government that “once injured on the ground they cannot/should not be killed” are contrary to halacha, and in fact endanger lives of Yehudim. To let an injured terrorist lying on the ground live, and go to get medical care and food in prison and education and money so that in the future they could potentially attack again (which has already happened numerous times) is sheer folly and stupidity, it is Too much chesed and cannot be allowed to continue.

Terrorists who have embarked upon their supposed mission to hurt and kill, that are even often eager or at least willing to give up their own life, have therefore at the same time given up their rights. Since their goal is to injure and kill, even at the possibility of themselves being killed, it is our obligation halachically to make sure they are Eliminated, not simply, “neutralized.”

Giving ahza to our enemies is another example of too much chesed, and now everyone except blind erev rav members can see the folly and stupidity of that example of Too much chesed.

Here’s the question of the hour folks (or of the decade, it’s now more than 11 years since the utterly dumb “disengagement”):

They GOT ( = “RECEIVED” ) ahza, but what did they GIVE us??? Nothing, other than rockets, mortars, attack tunnels, murders, stabbings, car ramming attacks, and lies after lies throughout the world and the media to gain sympathy for themselves and increase hatred of us.

Too much chesed to our enemies ys”v must be stopped permanently, immediately.

The Larger Significance of the Duma Tragedy, Travesty and Distraction

While not a single grain of evidence (except two torture-induced supposed “confessions” produced under extreme, egregious duress) has been presented to prove or even suggest the guilt of any of those accused of being “Jewish terrorists” in the Duma arson murders which are a tragedy, this complete lack of evidence itself demonstrates that the prosecution is really persecution, a travesty and a distraction.

Torah perspectives

Duma is found in the Torah, he is the sixth-born son of Yishmael’s 12 sons (Bereisheet 25:14). Using the “location technique” suggested by Rav Simcha Friedman in Making Torah Yours, Duma is found in pasuk 14, the gematria of “yahd”, “hand”, and about Yishmael it is said “His hand [and by extension, the hands of his descendants] will be against all” (Bereisheet 16:12), and sadly we see this throughout history since muslims became a people and especially now on a daily basis with the terror wave of the past few months (the “Third [and LAST!] Intifada”). A literal raising of their hands against us with knives, bottles, guns, cars, and any weapons they acquire or build.

Also interesting, relating to number 14, “Duma” appears in one of only 14 pesukim in the entire Torah that is exactly three words long. In this exact case, the three words are the names of the fifth, sixth and seventh sons of Yishmael: “ooMeeshma vihDUMA ooMahsa”, “and Meeshma and Duma and Mahsa”.

With Heavenly assistance it can be said that the deeper meaning of this pasuk is that “meeshma”, [a] hearing [presumably, a COURT hearing for those Jews falsely-accused and tortured in the Duma tragedy, travesty and distraction], and by altering the vowels “meaning” [“mahshihma”; the meaning is, the whole thing is a distraction engineered by some segment of human leaders who are members of the erev rav]; and Duma; and “mahsa”, “to carry” [Bamidbar 4:24, or a burden-like prophecy (Malachee 1:1); the Duma tragedy, travesty and distraction is a burden on, and a burden carried by, our people].

VIDEO EDITING has existed and been used for many years long before 2001

Part of the burden of Duma is a widely-circulated video filmed at a wedding, which attempts to portray religious Jews as bloodthirsty killers.

Recently a film in the “Star Wars” group broke the record for fastest movie to earn some huge amount of ticket sales. From even the earliest movies in the “Star Wars” series, decades before 2001, VIDEO EDITING has been used for special effects and as a regular part of movies.

Let everyone be 100% clear about this: using VIDEO EDITING things can be inserted into the video that were not really there when originally filmed, and things that were really present at the time of filming can be removed. Exactly like “word processing” of words using a text editor, but for videos and movies.

Overwhelming majorities of people worldwide (in many countries upwards of 90 percent of people) except in the USA do not believe the US government’s “official story” version of the events of September 11, 2001 and believe instead that it was in fact the government itself or some portion thereof, not 19 raghead terrorists (at least 9 of whom are still alive today, that fact alone destroys completely the credibility of the government’s official version of events) that are the truly guilty parties. A large part of the reason for the skepticism is that in addition to the literally hundreds of internal contradictions and physical impossibilities in the official story, every video and film expert and most average people as well who view the videos carefully in slow motion conclude that they have been edited and staged.

We live in the world of Lies. The whole idea was to have the news media report on a supposed 767 jet crashing into the WTC at 846 AM, and a bit over a quarter of an hour later during coverage of the “unbelievable event,” to broadcast the fake, staged videos at 903AM and repeatedly for over a week thereafter.

“But everyone saw…”, how many times have those words been said? Yes, everyone saw, what everyone saw are the fake, staged videos prepared in advance of the controlled demolition of the WTC using explosives that were detonated at 846 and 903AM.

Now regarding the video of “ultra right extremists” celebrating the Duma arson murders at a wedding, first of all, as above, Don’t believe every video. People on the Shabak payroll arrived at the wedding uninvited and filmed the video at what was a real wedding, although the people who were actually invited would not celebrate cold blooded murders at a wedding or anywhere else as the essentially PAID ACTORS were recorded celebrating. Rav Shmuel Eliyahu shlita and other experts have already stated that the wedding video has been staged and edited.

The added tragedy is that because most religious people who attempt to be true refrain from viewing movies and videos most of the time, that may perhaps raise the likelihood that when they do see a video it is immediately believed to be truth. Get real people, please, a video in itself does not prove anything.

Bennett will never be Prime Minister

By condemning the Jews accused and arrested in the Duma tragedy and defending the Shabak when there are extremely serious allegations of them torturing, Bennett has brought his already low level of credibility down to near zero, and it has been further reduced by the release baruch H’ of Mordechai Mayer. If the acts of torture the Shabak is accused of were committed against a muslim – the erev rav, our external enemies and world opinion would be screaming for months and probably years.

The Larger Significance

It is no exaggeration to say that the larger significance of the Duma Travesty is that it has directly caused a delay in the Final Redemption.

Among the accusations in the Duma travesty is that the accused had the alleged desire to replace the current government with “a king in Israel”, meaning of course King Mashiach ben Dovid (and NOT Rav Schneerson zt”l!! Lih-havdeel, meaning the REAL, TRUE King Mashiach ben Dovid).

So as that is something that we pray for every day, it is not very difficult to see and understand why the current human political leaders feel so threatened if the allegations against the accused in the Duma arson murders are true: Those human political leaders (Knesset, Binsmole Netanyahu, Fraidy cat Ya’alon, etc.) would no longer hold positions of power, prestige and influence following the Final Redemption.

So for whatever percentage of those human leaders who do actually pray regularly the set tefilot in the siddur, their behavior in the Duma travesty contradicts what we are all praying for, how can they say Shmoneh esray with sincerity? How can they say the bracha of “Et Tzemahch [ a name of Mashiach! Zecharia 3:8 ] Dovid”; they will no longer be leaders when it is fulfilled (if not before).

For quite some time it has been clear that almost all of our human Jewish leaders are extremely terrified of the actual occurrence of the final war (“Goge oomahgoge”, Yichezkail 38). That is why after less than one week of being fired upon by our enemies in Ahza in the early summer of 2014 our weak leaders went proposing, almost begging for, a ceasefire from our enemies ys”v, who of course had no desire for a ceasefire until after 50 days and even since then have continued to violate it repeatedly, averaging once every month.

And that is simply one of the most or more recent in unfortunately a very long line of examples. Somehow the goal of the decisive defeat and eradication of our enemies was replaced with the goal of “quiet/ceasefire” to end the war as quickly as possible.

It is non-sensical to have already fought four defensive wars in ten years against our terrorist enemies in Ahza since the deeply mistaken ‘disengagement’, and in each and every one of those cases we could have vanquished our enemies ys”v completely if the campaign had been carried out in a more intelligent manner (95% air bombardment; paying no mind to hospitals and schools and all the other “No Longer Untouchable” locations that they love to fire upon us from; only using ground troops in a limited manner at the very end, instead of following the squawking of the fools who each time clamor for that as early as possible, endangering Jewish Lives unnecessarily, and then withdrawing without recapturing Ahza, which eventually we will have to recapture all of Ahza in any case, even Liberman has acknowledged that reality, at least).

Instead of focusing on shutting down the real true terrorists, which is our muslim enemies ys”v rushing to kill with knives, guns, bottles, cars and any weapons they obtain or build, our human leaders seek to distract the public from the extreme fear that those leaders hold deep within themselves as well as their ineffectiveness using a manufactured campaign stressing the vital importance of eradicating “Jewish terrorists”.

No, precisely the opposite is the case. We need to eradicate non-Jewish terrorists, but of course doing that may trigger the final war, and almost all of our human leaders fear that final war more than anything or almost anything in the entire universe, even more than fear of H-shem.

Two years before the most recent Ahsara B’Tayvayte was found in the Torah codes between the letters in the Torah very strong indicators of the Final Redemption. In at least one of the five examples brought here in this amazing close to 15 minute presentation was found the exact date of 10 Tayvayte 5776 itself, and it is possible to conclude that the Duma Travesty perpetrated by the erev rav due to their fear of the final war is what has caused the arrival of Moshiach to again be delayed.

The release of Mordechai Mayer is hopefully a positive turning point in the Duma tragedy, travesty and distraction. Let’s hope and pray for our leaders to see the light of the truth, to do teshuva, to immediately release the rest of the Jews accused of the Duma arson murders, and to now and always do what is necessary against our enemies ys”v without fear of world opinion or any fear other than Yirat H-shem.

Chad: Now the most intelligent and forward-thinking country on earth

Surprises sometimes arrive from unexpected places.

As of this late date in history, July 17, 2015 in the solar calendar (3 days following the public announcement of an agreement to go down in history as at or near the very top of the list of the “Wall of Shame”), the most intelligent, enlightened and forward-thinking country on earth is Chad, located northwest of Nigeria, west of Sudan and south of Libya.

Even if in the most formal, technical sense Chad does not top the ranks of highest average “IQ” intelligence on the list of world countries, Chad exhibited the intelligence, courage and sanity rarely seen these days in politics or anywhere by immediately and completely banning the public wearing of “burka masks” that hide the wearer’s entire face except eyes.

Yes that’s right, anyone, wearing a burka mask in public in Chad is now promptly arrested.

Because they are a security risk and breaking the law instituted to protect public life and safety.

So whoever is violating that law is now to be quickly arrested.

Sometimes lessons are learned the hard way. The most recent brutal bombing in Chad that killed 15 and injured 80 was carried out by a person wearing a burka mask, further proving that the time to ban burka masks was already long overdue.

For those who say that Chad is already a muslim majority country, so such a law upon their own people could be different than for example, if almost every country on earth (except the terrorists themselves of course, and their friends and sympathizers) were to ban the public wearing of burka masks.

Well that would be very politically incorrect and could potentially be seen as an outright war against islam, when in fact it is the PROPER AND NECESSARY RESPONSE TO THE WAR THAT ISLAM STARTED WITH EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WHO IS NOT MUSLIM.

World leaders need to step up and follow the example of Chad. Ban burka masks in public, starting immediately.

But many of those world leaders are too busy running to beg for a peace agreement with some of the biggest terrorists on earth, who do not at all want peace, and who never fulfill their portion of any agreements.

Whoever allows evil [especially at this point in history violent islam] to flourish is extremely guilty and will measure for measure be injured and killed by those very people who they so intensely begged to make a peace agreement with.

And all good people will not feel one bit sorry for them, any of them.

Avoiding a Potentially Tragic Mistake at These Cairo Talks (and their Possible Successor Talks)

The biggest mistake that could potentially be made at these Cairo talks and their potential successor talks is to reach an “agreement” with the sworn enemies of Israel and Jews, namely “hamas” and their friends/family of Islamic Jihad and the “Palestinian Authority”/Abbas.

That’s right, the biggest mistake would be to agree to an agreement.

Any and all such “agreements” to this point were violated and destroyed by hamas and their supporters at the time they decided that they did not any longer want to behave peacefully and instead wanted to aggressively fire on us first, which they always did and do.

Any “agreement” with the TERRORISTS in azza is an agreement for us to do nothing or the minimum, but when they decide they don’t want the agreement, then they simply say they no longer honor their agreement and start firing on us, more than 3,360 rockets in the most recent 60 days.

Despite over 90% of the general public of all types of people that are Jews residing in Israel supporting the idea of “going the distance” and eradicating hamas NOW, once and for all, the deeply disturbing part is that even despite widespread agreement of almost all citizens of the morality and importance of the war and how it would be a travesty and an enormous insult to the memory of the 64 soldiers a”h H’y”d and three kidnapped and murdered students a”h H’y”d to prematurely agree to any “agreement”, once again, reports are that Binsmole Netanyahu is preparing to submit to outside forces from the side of impurity to agree to many demands of those who seek our destruction, Heaven forbid, while those parties do not grant us ANY of our demands, and we are the truly aggrieved party, having been repeatedly fired upon, where being fired upon even once is a capital offense.

For human leaders who state to the public that they would never compromise our security, the rumored concessions to violent terrorists in azza sound like extreme security compromises that for sure should NOT be made.

We entered this war with the goal of a complete end to aggression and violence as major goals.

Therefore, demilitarization of azza was a major goal.

Since the terrorists in azza are not willing to “agree” (not that their agreement would really mean anything significant, due to their untrustworthiness, as they have actually boasted about their duplicitous ways repeatedly during the past 60 days) to azza being completely demilitarized, There’s nothing more for us to talk about in the Cairo talks.

Even sitting in separate rooms and never directly communicating (only through host mediators, as has been reported), all that matters less when much more importantly for our security and survival is avoiding a potentially tragic mistake at these Cairo talks and any potential successor talks.

Those terrorists that sit in the other separate room in Cairo have already publicly stated: any “ceasefire” is simply a preparation for the next round of actual war.

And we have seen already in reality how this has been the case throughout the time since they were GIVEN azza over 9 years ago.

Four wars in nine years!

Can you imagine???

Clearly, an “agreement” is not in our interests at all.

Now I am not a warmonger, nor am I a peacenow adherent, but we cannot follow the will and ways of the unclean bird Peres (Vayikra 11:13; Devarim 14:12) to agree to everything that the terrorists propose while they do nothing of what we ask of them.

Leaders, officials or spokespeople for the terrorists in azza have made very recent statements over the past few weeks that leave absolutely no doubt whatsoever that they still hate us and want to kill us.

And therefore to follow the unclean bird’s view would be to simply lay down and allow them to kill us.

But that is not the right thing to do.

Since they started aggression and fired upon us, it is fully within our rights and even our obligation to eradicate them, as they make no secret whatsoever that they seek our destruction.

Now we must focus on further true RESULTS from this operation, meaning the Complete demilitarizing of azza and eradication of hamas, islamic jihad, and the “palestinian authority”.

We should not “agree” to any agreement at all at these Cairo talks, and are already giving the terrorists far more than any country EVER in the history of the world ever gave to their enemies that were violently firing upon and trying to kill them during a time of war (including water, food, electricity, medicine and medical care, and evacuation warnings before terror targets nearby were scheduled to be destroyed by our armed forces acting in self-defense).

Agreeing to any bogus agreement filled with our concessions and receiving nothing in return is a recipe for another war (in another few months, or year, or year and a half, or probably not more than 2 years, after all, that’s close to the current average) to finish what we did not yet complete now, or either of the previous three times thanks to the fearFULness of Binsmole and the smoles of world opinion, yet we must avoid that mistake and pray for H’ to save us.

The author is blessed to be a resident of Beer Sheva.

I could have “snatched” ( = KIDNAPPED ) an arab child yesterday

It has happened before, and is really not all that rare of an occurrence: arab parents together with their children, not guarding them, taking care of them or even paying much attention to their children at all.

Yesterday I saw that, and as their young daughter of about 3 years old trailed behind the family without them seeming to have much concern for her at all, I could have literally snatched/kidnapped that young arab girl quite easily.



Pesach Shaynee: A Second Opportunity for Those Meeting Specific Conditions

Happy Pesach Shaynee! A Second Opportunity for Those Meeting Specific Conditions

There are many very good reasons to care about this very special holiday today, 14 Eeyar (Iyar), “Pesach Shaynee,” the second Pesach (exactly one month after 14 Nissan, the day before Pesach, and the date on which the Pesach offering is brought in the afternoon in the times of the Holy Temple, may it be again soon).

Pesach Shaynee is special because it is a proof from the Torah that if specific conditions are met, a person can in fact receive a second opportunity. This is kindness from H-shem.

A year after the going out from egypt, meaning in Nissan 2449, there were some people in the encampment in the midbar who could not bring the Pesach offering, as they were ritually impure from having come into contact with a corpse.

One opinion of how this could have occurred is that those people were very holy souls who were carrying the coffin of Yosaif haTzadeek zt”l; after all, someone had to (This is the opinion of R’ Yossi HaGilili in Succa 25a). (By extension, those people also could have been holy souls carrying the coffins of any of Yosaif’s brothers also, as all of the brothers were brought from egypt as stated in Shemos/t 13:19, see Rashi on end of that pasuk, “eetihchem”).

These people were ritually impure not only through no fault of their own, they were actually involved in a mitzva, and since those gone from this world cannot return kindness, the kindness done for them, including carrying the coffins, is the primary example of the truest kindness (chesed shel emes/t).

So the people transporting the coffins came before Moshe and Aharon and said that since their state of ritual impurity was no direct fault of their own, they should not be prevented from fulfilling the mitzva of the Pesach offering.

And because of their deep desire to draw close to H-shem Creator of the universe, the holiday of Pesach Shaynee was given by H-shem, as a kindness to allow those who were not at fault as to what prevented their fulfilling the Pesach offering in its proper time on 14 Nissan, a second opportunity one month later to fulfill it.

The point of “meeting specific conditions” is important, because those who did not care the first time are not included amongst the people who are given a second opportunity.

It is interesting to note that the section in the Torah describing this special holiday of Pesach Shaynee is found in Bamidbar 9:1-14, exactly 14 pesukim long, and the date of Pesach Shaynee is 14 Eeyar.

Happy Birthday Israel, 3285 years, NOT 65

We are blessed this week, thank the good L-rd, to have celebrated the birthday of our homeland, Eretz Yisrael.

Now even though many people say that we were celebrating 65 years of our country in the modern era, we need to be very careful in describing the actual truth, which is of course much deeper than that.

Yes, in terms of the independence and recognition from much of the world, the rebirth 65 years ago is special, and significant.

Yet at the same time, continuing to focus on the events in that manner has a potentially undesirable side as well.

This is because for whoever cares about being truthful, the birth of Eretz Yisrael as the Jewish homeland dates back to at least the year 2488, when Yehoshua led Bnai Yisrael across the Yardain (Jordan) river, accompanied by miracles, also in the early spring in the month of Nissan, the month of redemption.

So to be truthful, we need to strengthen ourselves no matter what anyone in the surrounding world might say or think, and gladly wish ourselves a very happy 3,285 year birthday now.

This is because our enemies, may they be decimated quickly, are known to try to convince the world that they were here from more than 65 years ago, and so supposedly have a firmer claim to this holy land.

However, their claims are false and their behavior is disgraceful. There have been already a number of times that they have been discovered actively destroying historical artifacts at ancient archaeological sites, with the motivation being of course to erase and destroy evidence that Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael dates back more than 3,285 years.

And of course it dates back even longer than that, because our holy Avos forefathers zt”l lived in Eretz Yisrael before the descent to egypt, and were buried there during that time and early in our people’s 210 year residence in that country.

In the “information age,” besides physical battles with bullets and bombs there is also the battle for people’s minds and world opinion. While many try to lie to convince others and the world of a false reality, we need to counter that as strongly as possible with the truth.

And the truth is that we are now celebrating at least 3,285 years of our homeland. Yes it is true that for most of the previous 2,000 years there were not very many Jews in Eretz Yisrael, yet there were some continuously throughout the entire time.

And now, anyone willing to open their eyes can see the truth, that history is progressing along to the Final Redemption, and the ingathering of exiles has already begun, even longer ago than just 65 years.

This is nothing short of miraculous, and something to be deeply thankful about.

If you are not yet blessed to be in Eretz Yisrael, you need to be as soon as you reasonably can (provided that you care deeply about fulfilling the will of H-shem, being shomer Shabbos/Shabbat and fulfilling the mitzvos/t), to participate in this phenomenal history-making event, thereby helping in fact to hasten the Final Redemption bihezraht H-shem.